Writer's Blog

Thursday, November 26, 2015

A Few Things Starving Writers Should Never Pay For

A few years ago, I had to rethink my budget.  When I got out of college, I got a full time teaching job that paid fairly well and had full medical and dental coverage attached.  I got into good habits and bad habits during that time.  The first thing I did was to save one of my monthly paychecks immediately.  They went into my bank account and when I hit a certain amount, I divvied up that money between savings, certificates of deposit, and U.S. savings bonds.   Of course I already had money automatically deducted from my checks to go into a 504 retirement fund.  Within a year I had saved enough money and was looking for a condo.
            The bad habits that I developed were as follows:  if I saw something small that interested me, I bought it without a thought.  CDs, books, DVDs, movie tickets, clothes.  Whatever.  I also spent money on classes and theater tickets whenever I wanted.  I considered those two things my “big ticket” items, but things I deserved that would better me as a person, an educator, a writer, and an actor.
            What happened afterward completely changed how I view money and how I view shopping in general.
            I lost my job and then I got sick.
            When I got sick, I couldn’t work for a while and due to unforeseen circumstances, I was not eligible for either unemployment or workman’s comp.  Within a year, I saw my savings dwindle to pay medical bills. 
            I went from being financially stable and looking to purchase a home of my own to being destitute within a year. 
            There was nothing I could do about my health except get myself better. By the time I healed, I was in a hole of close to $100,000 including money owed and money lost by unemployment.
            So, I seriously had to rethink what I was purchasing.  These are some of the things I stopped spending money on until I got my finances back in order.  I figured I’d share and hope it helps some of you out there. . .
What not to spend your money on ever if you are broke (or almost never). . .
 Books:  Now, I know this is hypocritical since I am a writer and I want people to buy my books, but here is something that you should not spend the money on if you don’t have it.  I can give the reason in one word:  Libraries.  There is no reason whatsoever to purchase a book when you can borrow it.  Many times you can even download it for free, not only from your library, but from from Amazon, I-tunes, or other Internet sites as well.  This is especially true for classic novels.  If the book is in the public domain, you can usually type in something like:  Free Name Your Title pdf and you’ll get a list of dozens of sites that will allow you to download a novel or play for free.  I made sure that my book Luke Aloysius: Bloodline was available to borrow on Kindle for all my fellow starving artists to enjoy.
Music:  Now, I know that there are CDs you may have to have because you know will listen to them everyday for the rest of your life, but in general, you can get most music for free.  I’m not talking about pirating (which is stealing, so don’t do it!), again I’m talking about libraries.  Whenever I stop at the library, I sift through the CD collection and take home five new CDs to listen to.  If I really want an album that isn’t in the library, I put it on reserve.  You can also download some free music legally from I-tunes.  They give away free music every week and now, with I-tunes radio, you can listen to any music you want to for free until you get sick of it.
DVDs:  For older movies, check Youtube first.  Type in Name Your Title Entire Film and see if it comes up.  If that doesn’t work:  Library.  The library should be your best friend for all types of media. 
Newspapers and magazines:  Library, library, library.  The only thing to note is that if you are looking for the paper to look through the classifieds, you may have to go to the resource desk to get the classifieds.  Some libraries have found that people will steal the classifieds (rude!), so they keep the classifieds behind the counter.  All you have to do is give them your library card to borrow that section.  When you’re finished and return the classifieds, they give you back your library card.  Just make sure you bring scrap paper to the library with you so you can write down the contact info of all the jobs you find.
Scrap and draft paper:  Usually anywhere you work, they are tossing out tons of copier paper everyday.  When I was teaching at one job, every time we printed out anything from either email or the Internet, it automatically printed out a cover page with your name on it.  I would squirrel away these cover pages in the bottom of my filing cabinet.  At the end of the year, there was a paper shortage for the last month of school.  No one was able to copy anything.  I went back to my stash of cover pages and used that to make copies of lessons for my students.  I still keep an ongoing stack of paper that is printed on one side to use for writing drafts.  It’s not only thrifty, but it saves trees as well!
 Grant and contest information:  There are many websites and services out there that will give you up to date grant and contest information for a monthly fee.  The heck with that.  You still have to do all the work, therefore:  library (do you see a trend here?)  Just tell the reference librarian what you need and she’ll give you a stack of books to look through.  All up to date.
Clothing:  You heard me right.  Of course this is dependent upon your needs.   If you need to purchase an interview suit, then you should do so, but try to do so by stacking coupons (mixing a store coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon and maybe even a store sale).  By stacking coupons, I got a $95 dress for $15- new for the season.  You can get free clothes in different ways.  First is by trading with a friend.  A lot of times we think we need new clothes, but we are just tired of them.  My cousin and my best friend always give me their unwanted clothes.  The clothes my cousin gives me are too small for me, but I give them to my neighbor, who is a widower and needs them.  I do keep shoes that my cousin sends my way because we are the same size shoe.  My best friend will send me clothes and I will send my unwanteds right back to her.  She divvies the stuff I give to her up with herself, her sister-in-law and her daughter. 
           Another way to get clothing for free is by utilizing your credit card points to get gift certificates to stores you love.  You can also get cash back with credit card points, but I find you get more money back by selecting a gift certificate instead.  I will stockpile these for when I really need something or to use toward buying gifts.  I once paid $5 for close to $100 in DVDs because I had gift cards, store cards, online coupons, and store coupons.  (Note:  you have to understand that some stores have a strict one-coupon-only policy.  In those stores I will stack my one coupon with a store sale.)
I    Videos, classes, meditation tapes:  Youtube.  I think Youtube is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  It is the one Internet app I use all day, every day.  Everyday I use Youtube to watch meditation tapes, to do research, to develop lesson plans, and to learn new things.  I have no less than 200 videos saved at any given moment waiting for me to watch them because I cannot possibly watch them all at once.  The really cool thing about Youtube is that if you create an account (Free!), the account links up what you watch to more related videos that you didn’t know about.  I found out about tons of Youtube channels that I use everyday because Youtube felt I might enjoy them.  Each day I will type in a search for meditation videos.  I usually put in Guided Meditation for Whatever Topic and hundreds will pop up.  There are meditations for manifesting goals, creating peace in your life, for letting go of stress, to save the oceans, you name it.  I also am using Youtube to learn new languages.  Because of Youtube, I now know several Italian children’s songs and I can say the entire Greek alphabet.  I am learning how to say the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic and I learned what in the world Enochian is (it’s the language of angels, apparently).  I use other videos to learn cooking techniques, recipes, teaching techniques, to gather background for literature I’m teaching. . .you name it, the sky’s the limit.
      Land lines:  Unless it’s part of your internet package and is cheaper that way, if you have a cell phone, you don’t need a land line.  Most people I know with cell phones never use their land lines.  It’s just a waste of money.
     High cell phone bills:  When I upgraded to a smart phone, I was disappointed to find that my monthly bills (which were supposed to remain the same) went up to $120 a month.  I was ready to trade back down and get a pay-as-you-go phone.  But, instead I called my cell phone carrier and talked with a customer service representative.  I found that I didn’t use most of my minutes or data each month.  The operator suggested that I take a lower plan which covered less minutes and data—minutes and data I never used anyway.  With one phone call, I cut my cell bill from $120 a month to $73 a month.  That’s $564 back in my pocket every year.  Not a bad piece of change.
     Coaches:  Youtube and the Internet.  Everyone from Tony Robbins to Bob Proctor to Rhonda Byrne to whoever have motivational and instructional clips posted for free.  They use it to widen their audience.  They have excellent, free, websites as well.
These are just a few of the expenses I learned to curb or eliminate.  If you can think of anything I didn’t mention yet, please post below.

As a side note, I’d like to also take a moment to send my prayers and love to Paris since recent tragedies.  I will continue to pray for peace for all of us and for an end to terrorism.  If you would like to read my take on what a true Martyr is, then please read my earlier blog entitled “Martyr Defined” at

Also, please check out my new novel, Luke Aloysius:  Bloodline on Kindle:

Live in Peace. –Laurie xo

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Revise, Rework, Rebuild. . .

     You need to find a balance between editing and ceasing to edit.  
     I took a few minutes today to look back at some old blogs.  I did this for two reasons:  first, and most important, I wanted to make sure my blogs are "child friendly" since this blog is now tied to a teaching site.  Second, I wanted to edit out some mindless babbling that occured in earlier blogs.
     I don't blame myself for the mindless babbling.  It was the nature of my blog in the beginning.  My blog was supposed to help me formulate my daily writing plans.  Now, my blog has grown into a tool for educating others about writing.  So, now I want to make sure that my blogs offer solid lessons to anyone who will drop in and honor me by reading them.
     So the lesson for today is:  editing.  Most people hate it.  I tend to enjoy it.  It's the time to make things better and try new things.  Once you have taken the time to write out something, once you have poured your heart and soul into them, then it is time to tear it down and build it back up.
     I have scrapped entire novel and screenplay drafts during the second draft.  They became better; the ideas in them were better connected and I deepened the literary devices used.  Your first draft is to get it out of your head and onto paper.  Consequent drafts are to help it make sense to someone else.
     The rule of thumb that seems to be used by many writers is to write at least four drafts.  How I see that is as such:
     Rough Draft (or Draft 1):  get your thoughts down.  You can babble here.  You can have typos and incomplete thoughts.
     Draft 2 (First rewrite):  Begin to edit for clarity.  Check your spelling and grammar.  Begin to try new things within your work.  Try adding more description.  Try playing with literary devices.  Find a theme for all your chapters.  Just add something new.
     Draft 3 (Second rewrite):  Begin to edit toward a final work.  This is the draft you should share with writing groups or readers for feedback.
     Draft 4 (Possible final draft):  Last revision incorporating feedback.  Final polish.
     Now, I wrote "Possible Final Draft" for the fourth draft, because after getting feedback, you may want to take the story in an entirely different direction, which brings you back to Draft 2.  However, you need to set a time for finishing and an amount of max revisions or you'll go crazy editing.  There has to be a time when you stop editing and start sending your work out to be published.  An author once said, "A work is never truly finished, it is merely abandoned."  You can revise a piece of writing until Kingdom Come, so sooner or later, you have to say, "That's enough."
     My rule of thumb is to send out my fourth draft.  Then, if it isn't accepted, I look at revising again.  When your work is accepted by an editor, they may ask you to rewrite in a different direction or they may just revise the thing for you.  So, either way, it's never really finished until it's in print.  Get out that fourth draft and start to write something new while you wait to see how it's received.  I've sold a few things this way.  It works. . .
Please check out my new novel  Luke Aloysius:  Bloodline on Amazon:


Friday, January 9, 2015

"Martyr" Defined

In light of too many recent and past horrific events. . .

Let’s take a minute here to get a couple of things straight.  According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary:

1.  Martyr- a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.

2.  Religion - the belief in a god or in a group of gods.

3.  Cult - a small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous.

Why am I taking the time to define these three words?  Because there are too many ignorant people who do not understand these words and threaten to kill or actually do kill innocent men, women, and children.

A martyr is a person who suffers for their religion.  They do not create suffering for others.  If you intentionally cause another person to suffer, you are EVIL  plain and simple, as per every major religion in the world.

A religion is a belief in God, a god, or gods.  The tenets of all the major religions of the world (including the Muslim religion) all begin with some version of “Treat others as you would like to be treated” and “love one another.”  No single religion in the world orders people to go out and kill people just because they do not share your religion.  (Let’s put one other thing to rest:  The Quaran states that taking your own life or the life of another is a crime against Allah.  Maybe if some people actually READ the book, they’d know this.)

A cult is a bunch of people who have broken off from another religion and basically corrupts all the beauty and simple human kindness of the true religion.  A cult causes harm to themselves and others.  A cult is run by thoughtless individuals who only care about some delusion of glory that involves torturing and killing others.

If you believe that in order to get your religious beliefs across to others you have to kidnap innocent people, threaten the masses, and destroy things, then you are simply SICK.  You are not part of a loving, productive religion, you are perpetuating evil.

A true religion teaches people to love and respect one another.  A true religion teaches people to embrace our differences and learn from one another.  A martyr is someone who died holding on to the belief of what LOVE means, not hatred.

Now that we have this straight, I wish for nothing but a better life for everyone in the world.  Once we learn to be at peace with ourselves, we can find peace worldwide.  In the words of some of the world’s greatest religious leaders and books:

Love one another as I have loved you” –Jesus Christ
"What is hateful to yourself, do not do to your fellow man." -Talmud Shabbat .
“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” – The Buddah
“Indeed, Allah enjoins justice, and the doing of good to others; and giving like kindred; and forbids indecency, and manifest evil, and wrongful transgression.” –Al Quaran

Wishing you all peace – Laurie
Please check out my new novel  Luke Aloysius:  Bloodline on Amazon: