Today I participated in my first Blog Challenge! The challenge was posted on Professional
Content Creation at
The idea of this challenge is to take five of your blog
ideas and create five more post ideas out of each one. So, I sat down and focused on my blogs that
have had the highest traffic so far. Here is what I came up with. How many can you come up with?
A few things Starving Writers shouldn’t
pay for. . .
Sell a screenplay in a year
Stephen King and Paul Reuben
Tease me, Stan Lee. . .
Beginning a television spec script
Economize on a writer’s budget
Getting your ideas focused: brainstorming your screenplay
William Shakespeare and Alan Rickman
Bringing Comic books heros to life
Writing a television spec script
Utilizing the internet to save postage and money
Writing the screenplay
Michael Crichton and Stephen Speilberg
Why comic book and fantasy heros are so popular today
Revising a spec script
Social Media to reach a larger audience when on a
shoe-string budget
Research for screenplay writers
Elie Wiesel and Roberto Benigni
Using your favorite comic book hero (or villain) as
inspiration for your protagonist (or antagonist)
Selling a spec script
Promoting your book with no money
Creating characters who make an entrance on screen
Your family history
Creating a world
Collaborations on spec scripts
How to budget for a new novel
Producing your own screenplay from a writer’s perspective
Your own life story
Keeping to Science in Sci-fi
Producing your own television pilot- an easy guide for
Now the hard part will be to decide which idea to write
first! If you have a request, please
post it. I’d love to know what people
want to learn about more.