Writer's Blog

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Blog Challenge: Blog Post Ideas

Today I participated in my first Blog Challenge!  The challenge was posted on Professional Content Creation at http://professionalcontentcreation.com/blogging-challenge-blog-post-ideas#comment-6671
The idea of this challenge is to take five of your blog ideas and create five more post ideas out of each one.  So, I sat down and focused on my blogs that have had the highest traffic so far. Here is what I came up with.  How many can you come up with?

A few things Starving Writers shouldn’t pay for. . .
Sell a screenplay in a year
Muses:  Stephen King and Paul Reuben
Tease me, Stan Lee. . .
Beginning a television spec script
Economize on a writer’s budget
Getting your ideas focused:  brainstorming your screenplay
William Shakespeare and Alan Rickman
Bringing Comic books heros to life
Writing a television spec script
Utilizing the internet to save postage and money
Writing the screenplay
Michael Crichton and Stephen Speilberg
Why comic book and fantasy heros are so popular today
Revising a spec script
Social Media to reach a larger audience when on a shoe-string budget
Research for screenplay writers
Elie Wiesel and Roberto Benigni
Using your favorite comic book hero (or villain) as inspiration for your protagonist (or antagonist)
Selling a spec script
Promoting your book with no money
Creating characters who make an entrance on screen
Your family history
Creating a world
Collaborations on spec scripts
How to budget for a new novel
Producing your own screenplay from a writer’s perspective
Your own life story
Keeping to Science in Sci-fi
Producing your own television pilot- an easy guide for writers

Now the hard part will be to decide which idea to write first!  If you have a request, please post it.  I’d love to know what people want to learn about more.
And please check out my book Luke Aloysius:  Bloodline at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GD9X8B

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